
I want be able to share our heritage with my children and their children

Dalton, GA

I want my children future generations to have a access to the same wild public places that I have had. I want them to keep Federal lands in Federal hands as the states have a history of making poor decisions and I do not want this based off of financial desire.

Oakwood, GA

There is only one planet Earth. Don’t squander it for idiot people toys.

Dallas, GA

Public lands are the only places where you can really be with nature. People need to take care of public lands and respect the privilege of being able to go to the great places.

Clayton, GA

They were set aside for all citizens to use and enjoy, and they should remain just that.

Cumming, GA

It gives people somewhere to enjoy the outdoors and have fun with others and see nature

Canton, GA

We have set aside land to protect wilderness and unique habitats for future generations. It is unthinkable to sell these treasures to private interest.

Cumming, GA

they provide a sanctuary for us to commune with nature and rejuvenate our souls. Public Lands are in danger, and without our immediate help, we risk loosing them forever.

Gainesville, GA

These lands offer habitat that without protection disappears and can never be replaced.

Danielsville, GA

They are a gift from great people like Teddy Roosevelt who had the wisdom and foresight to preserve this precious land of ours. We stole it from the native Americans. The least we can do is preserve part of it for history.

Atlanta, GA

there are no questions to be asked with regards to the purposeful use of these lands for generations to come. With the way our society is today, me must continue to sew into our natural resources with all of our hearts and souls and not only preserve but improve upon all we have been blessed with in this beautiful country we know to be home. United as one, we can and will accomplish this responsibility we commonly share.

Mineral Bluff, GA

The public land is an asset for all Americans for generations to enjoy. It is a treasured natural resource unto itself and needs sensible, proper management and preservation.

Atlanta, GA

They are our heritage as well as our future, and if we don’t take a stand to protect them now, the future could be pretty bleak.

Lilburn, GA

United States

Savannah, GA

It’s where I go to clear my head with a fly rod in my hand. It gives me a place to sort through all life’s muck and come home to be a functioning part of this community.

Dunwoody, GA

They provide me the opportunity to get out and do the things I love without emptying my wallet. When I am out on a river or stream it calms me down and that is even better when it isn’t stressful on my bank account.

Atlanta, GA

These lands are a incredible resource for hunters an anglers, and area a right to the American people. It is also a moral responsibility to protect the natural resources of this planet rather than adopt a “rape and pillage” mentality to our natural resources.

Decatur, GA

they belong to all Americans. Let’s not make a shortsighted decision.

Atlanta, GA

they are inherently all Americans trusted gift to pass on to further generations.

Roswell, GA

I love to hunt and fish and I want future generations to be able to enjoy the outdoors as much as I do.

Cumming, GA

I want these lands to be available forever, for my children and their children. As a people we are already becoming disconnected from the wild. The only way to reverse that trend is to have the lands available- forever! The states cannot manage, nor can they afford these lands. Rather than bankrupting the states, they will sell the valuable lands as soon as they need the money. Keep these lands for the future of America!

Griffin, GA

It is our right as American Taxpayers and landowners to use our Public Lands for recreation and to keep our public land free for generations to come.

Atlanta, GA

They provide all with the opportunity to experience the outdoors as one of our most basic means of fulfillment.

Roswell, GA

As an outdoor enthusiasts, it’s whats needed to protect our public resources.

Alpharetta, GA

They are my lands and i want to keep them for public use.

Roswell, GA

it contains some of the best fishing habitat and it needs to remain accessible to all.

Alpharetta, GA

they exist for the good of all and not he profit of a few. The transfer of public lands also threatens the fundamental American notion that our public lands belong to everyone.

Augusta, GA

this is the best way to ensure protection of fish, wildlife and habitat. Given pressures on the Federal budget, the risk of abuse of these irreplaceable resources is too great to allow private ownership.

Ellijay, GA

With privatized land public access is lost to the masses and only becomes available to those with money. Something we’ve heard a lot lately to have to pay to play is not acceptable to the song this land is your land, this land is my land.

Mineral Bluff, GA


Dunwoody, GA

I want to keep our lands as our lands

Norcross, GA

As citizens of the U.S., we are called to protectand preserve the creatures and resources of our great country so that they may be enjoyed by future generations. Not doing so is robbing our heritage of all the beauty that the founders of this nation fought to gain through independence.

Fayetteville, GA

Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, and as vital to our lives as water and good bread. Edward Abbey

Atlanta, GA

They are fir eveyone to use and enjoy!

Savannah, GA

They are OUR national treasure, heritage, and pride!!

Augusta, GA

The wilderness is a great place to hunt and fish!

Dalton, GA

We need these huge swaths of land to retain our inner wild thing. Citys are all different and beautiful in their own right. The same can be said for the jewels that are our national forests, BLM land and other public lands.

Dacula, GA

I support my generations right and our future generations right to enjoy hunting and fishing our public lands

McDonough, GA

it is a way to preserve our country’s beauty.

Blue Ridge, GA

Its our freedom!

Acworth, GA

These lands belong to the public. They should be protected for the use and enjoyment of all. They are irreplaceable resources.

Waverly Hall, GA

these places are essential to the health and wellbeing of the many unique ecosystems of the American West. Not to mention lands that allow each and every citizen the opportunity to explore and experience the outdoors.

Savannah, GA

Americans should be able to enjoy this country’s natural, untrammeled beauty for generation and generations. Please help safeguard Americas public lands, funding their care and resisting calls for privitization!

Atlanta, GA

They belong to the people, not politicians or corporations!!!! Actually, they all really belong to the Native Americans!!!

Roswell, GA

They are available to everyone to experience, and I support creating easements to otherwise inaccessible public lands landlocked by private land.

Stephens, GA

It is land I can access and use and a legacy for my children and grand children.

Demorest, GA

I love the beauty of the outdoors and I want to share it with my grand children.

Kingsland, GA

I spend all my free time camping on said public lands.

Dacula, GA

It’s increasingly more difficult each year to find land owners that will allow recreation on their property for fear of frivolous lawsuits. My children need to have the same opportunities I have had to hunt and fish, camp and enjoy the natural world as they see fit just as I have. Too many of our natural resources are exploited without thought of environmental impact on a day to day basis now. If public lands are lost it won’t be long before the United States landscape begins to look like England or Rhode Island, denuded of trees to fuel private interest and children with nothing to do but play video games.

Marietta, GA

For future generations to have places to enjoy the outdoors. To maintan our pristine forests for anyone to enjoy.

Bonaire, GA

I use them regularly. They bring irreplaceable meaning to my life. My most cherishable memories happened on public land.

Augusta, GA

These lands are the property of every American. Our greatest legacy lies in our natural lands that exist for the public to enjoy. Once gone, they can never be gotten back.

Watkinsville, GA

Of the intrinsic value of being in the wild-good for body and soul


it is our national birthright. Where else has there been such an idea to preserve the best, most iconic, most beneficial land a country has to offer, not for the rich or the privileged, but for all to enjoy. i want to raise my children in a land with wild places protected from developers, a place where they can escape the noise of highways. Our public lands offer wild places to fish, hunt, explore, roam, and enjoy. As an avid fly fisherman, these lands belong to all of us, not just you. Do not rob us or our children of our birthright as Americans. Once these lands are sold, divested, and developed, we will never get them back. Do not sell them. Protect them. Fight for them. Fight for our birthright. Protect our children’s inheritance.

Marietta, GA

My children and grand children deserve to experience some of the greatest adventure this country has to offer through it’s public lands. No other country has invested more in ensuring the land is protected and we should not change that for a temporary gain, nominal benefit and loss of nature forever.

Lawrenceville, GA

We need to protect and restore fish and wildlife habitat for future generations.

Mineral Bluff, GA

They are public and belong to the people for public use

Mableton, GA

they have inspired me in myriad ways throughout my life. I’m currently pursuing a master’s degree in fisheries conservation in large part because of my experiences fishing, hiking, and camping throughout our public lands. I seek to build a career conserving these valuable resources so that others may share my experiences and values in the future.

Athens, GA

they are our birthright as Americans. Public lands are critical to the future of hunting and fishing in America.

Cumming, GA

We must ensure that everyone has the right to hunt, fish, hike, and enjoy the the outdoors freely.

Newnan, GA

The land is PUBLIC, not private. This should not even be an issue.

Richmond Hill, GA

our children deserve the same lands and resources that we were allowed because there will be many more of them than there are of us.

Newnan, GA

Public lands, owned by all Americans, are indispensable and we must care for them as such.

Lawrenceville, GA

Public land is indispensable and a necessity for our children and country.

Cumming, GA

Once it’s gone, it’s gone

Atlanta, GA

They arw our most valuable and beautiful resources. They should be preserved for future generations you enjoy.

Decatur, GA

I’m not rich, but I enjoy nature’s beauty via public lands. Through public lands, I find a wealth that would otherwise be beyond the reach of my hard working hands. Please keep them public and accessible to everyone.

Dallas, GA

They are what makes America one of the greatest counties in the world.

Valdosta, GA

We need to be able to visit unspoiled lands to restore ourselves and learn about nature.

Macon, GA

we need a place to escape to.

Cartersville, GA

they are arguably our greatest shared resource.

Atlanta, GA

I don’t need a specific reason. To many to name. I just do.

Lawrenceville, GA

We need to protect public lands for recreation and beaut for the generations to come

Statesboro, GA

these lands provide some of the last refuges for many economically and environmentally important species. Future generations of Americans need these lands to be protected now.

Decatur, GA

Having them remain undamaged and in the public trust for all future generations of Americans M A K E S A M E R I C A G R E A T A G A I N ! ! ! ! !

Atlanta, GA

We can’t replace them.

Cumming, GA

I care about the future of our children.

Snellville, GA

as a Biologist, and and avid outdoor sportsman, I have spend countless hours on protected public lands and national forests. It would be devasting to current wildlife and environmental research efforts, that show promise of arresting disease and saving both human and animal lives, if these national treasures are auctioned to the highest bidder and stripped of thier resources.

Dallas, GA

I grew up roaming the wild, public lands that exist just outside of our backyards. These territories harvest a sense of freedom when we utilize them; and the beautiful thing is that so many people actually do use them. Fly fishing and hiking give me an escape from the hustle and bustle of my everyday life in the city. They take me to new heights, literally, and open my eyes to the legitimate natural beauty that exists in our country–the very real thing that makes this land “America the beautiful.” In the event that these public lands were to be sold and developed, we would lose not only back-country landscapes to adventure through recreationally, but we would also lose a great deal of our heritage. When I drive through the southern Appalachian mountains and see mountainscapes obstructed by telephone poles and real estate, it makes me realize how vulnerable these lands are to us as humans. We don’t have to develop these parts of our country, there is plenty of room for development elsewhere. While I am certain that some form of compromise needs to be reached in order to better manage America’s public lands, I have full conviction that selling them to corporations is not the answer. With my utmost sincerity, I urge you to consider the impact this would have on our country as a whole. Americans need these lands: We need an escape, we need adventure, we need wildlife, we need mountains, we need rivers, we need to keep these aspects of our heritage. Please do not take these incredible lands away from those who love them as dearly as I do.

Atlanta, GA

As stated above

Rossville, GA

“From the Redwood forest, to the Gulf Stream waters, this land was made for you and me.” Not just for the rich who can afford to buy it.

Atlanta, GA

I bait, I hike, I love God and nature. Access to these lands is our God given right.

Marietta, GA

Recreation for those who have no means to purchase natural areas for themselves!

Atlanta, GA

the beautiful, inspiring, restorative places belong to all of us, not to private corporations.

Lawrenceville, GA

I cannot count the reasons, but survival of the human race is one .

Atlanta, GA

I was left this land for my use by our forefathers and I want it to be here for generations to come. Let’s not make the quick buck because it’s now, not later.

Oakwood, GA

They ain’t making any more of it.

Decatur, GA

I do.

Rome, GA

If the land is bought for other purposes, the wildlife will maybe disappear and the interests of the American people and the American economy may not be taken into consideration.

Kennesaw, GA

It belongs to the American people not politicians who want to sell it and get richer

Marietta, GA

I enjoy the beautiful places to hike, fish and visit. It is my privledge as an American!

Newnan, GA

We need access for everyone, not just the wealthy. The resources and beauty of the land should be available to all.

Clarkesville, GA

They are ours, the American peoples, they are our woods, and our rivers, and our property. You have no right to sell or take the minerals or oil from our land. We must protect our forests and water ways for the health of our next seven generations. Fresh clean air and water is what we need not more greed and destruction. Present and future Presidents and Congress please use common sense and Protect our public lands.

Jackson, GA

This land must be protected for use by all Americans!

Savannah, GA

The preservation of this country’s public lands ensures that countless animal and plant species can continue to exist. It also ensures that future generations have a chance to experience outdoor recreation and learn how imperative it is that we work towards preservation of natural habitats, not towards destruction and privatization. So many folks don’t have the luxury of owning land, but that should never mean that they must be deprived of the experiences of outdoor recreation with their family or friends. Humans are already tarnishing this earth at an alarming rate. We should be focusing on conserving more land instead of losing what little we have left. Those that didn’t grow up hunting, fishing, or enjoying outdoor recreation may not understand this issue, but there are millions of outdoor enthusiasts that would be more than willing to show them how valuable these lands are. Save our public lands. Don’t deprive future generations for the sake of money or political gain.

Ringgold, GA

It is our birthright!

Savannah, GA


Ringgold, GA

it is a heritage we need to pass to our children.

Fort Oglethorpe, GA

We use our public lands for hiking and camping. We also use our public lands for fishing. These lands are for us all to enjoy and to share with future generations.

Atlanta, GA

we need open, undeveloped spaces for our own mental and physical health, as well as to provide needed habitat for wildlife and plant life that is increasingly under pressure from unrestrained development. As a wildlife rehabber, I cannot stress enough the value of wild spaces for our native wildlife. Don’t endanger these spaces by caving to greed.

Glenwood, GA

Public lands are an invaluable educational resource, not to mention home to wildlife that needs to be protected. Once our environment is destroyed, there’s no going back. Not to mention, THE PUBLIC LANDS BELONG TO THE PEOPLE! No government, elected or otherwise, has the right to STEAL from citizens! Taxation is already borderline theft – now they’re taking public land! Where will it end?!

Warner Robins, GA

The land was identified as PUBLIC land, which means the PUBLIC has the right to use it – and CONGRESS does NOT have the authority to dispose of it or otherwise keep the American public from using it!

Lake Park, GA

I want our natural parks and resources preserved.

Atlanta, GA

It preserves the unique character of the United State. Do you want to sell the Grand Canyon to China, so we can buy mini Grand Canyon at a dollar a piece?

Atlanta, GA

there’s no greater therapy for a bad mood than the quiet stillness of the woods.

Atlanta, GA

Democratic access to wild lands is one of our greatest ideas. Without them, we become Europe where only the wealthy have access to hunt and fish. Don’t be a part of stealing our children’s birthright.

Cairo, GA

They need to be protected

Savannah, GA

I want to have a place where my kids can do the same outdoor activites I did as a kid, not a man made place but pure nature. Our future generations should be able to enjoy those same things. Leave nature as it is, it provides and is beautiful.

Dawsonville, GA

These are lands that are irreplaceable and are the inheritance of our children. The right for all Americans to enjoy and use these lands should not be changed. They need to be protected.

Ocilla, GA

They are the most valuable land that we own. It is the only pristine habitat available for our animals, and people, to enjoy. If we don’t have this kind of land set aside and kept sacrosanct, most of our precious species will begin to disappear. Without these, our entire food web will begin to collapse.

Atlanta, GA

Fish and wildlife habitat need to be protected.

Savannah, GA

They are part of America’s sacred cultural heritage for they have shaped our history and our cultural identity. They are essential for us to understand and appreciate who we are.

Stone Mountain, GA

they are so critical to the American way of life. Let us always treasure America the beautiful.

Athens, GA

They’re humans obligation to protect, not destroy

Atlanta, GA

the future of our sport is in danger. hanging and fishing not only play a big part in our economy but also serve as a heritage that is equal to none.

Marietta, GA

It is part of our American heritage. Many of these lands belonged to the public long before the states they lie in were created. These lands belong to all Americans, not the states, not special interest cattle and mining companies, and not to the fossil fuel industry. To sell these lands off to the highest bidder is as un-American as it is unethical.

Cleveland, GA

they are part of our heritage and are free to all.

Norcross, GA

Public lands allow for recreation jobs. And the use by all citizens.

Bogart, GA

I taught myself to fly fish in public rivers on public lands. Please don’t take those lands away from myself and others and sell those lands to the highest bidder.

Smyrna, GA

They are some of the only undeveloped land remaining in my region and provide the only opportunity for me to fish for native trout and hunt in my state.

Athens, GA

Every American deserves the right to wander the woods

Tiger, GA

Michael W. Sewell

Chickamauga, GA

They are our heritage and right as American citizens.

Morganton, GA

they truly are America’s best idea. We all are able to share in our wild and wonderful natural resources.

Decatur, GA

America’s public lands should not be exploited for monetary gain. America needs wild places.

Commerce, GA

Our children deserve to have the ability to hunt and fish as we did growing up

Cumming, GA

Michael Reimers

Braselton, GA

I believe conserving natural resources for use by the ordinary citizen.

Stone Mountain, GA

I love our lands and want my children to be able to enjoy what I have enjoyed on them. Hiking, camping, fishing and enjoying life.

Atlanta, GA

i love to fly fish

Acworth, GA

We deserve to fish in areas that are public.

Marietta, GA

They capture the raw beauty of our great nation!

Marietta, GA

I enjoy public lands to fish, hike, and explore every month so this cause is close to my heart.

Brookhaven, GA

it is an absolute necessity to wildlife, habitats, sustainability and sport. I encourage you to exercise respect in place of greed.

Athens, GA

I fish and I hunt public land. My dad and his dad have fished and hunted public lands. These lands are ours, belonging to all Americans, one of the things that separates us from the rest of the world as the greatest of all countries. Keep public land public!

Savannah, GA

I value the ability to freely access Americas public waters and view the ability to do so as a constitutional right. Losing such ability will not only negatively affect my families favorite pastimes but I believe that this loss will contribute to an already diminishing conservationally minded culture in our youth.


I support America’s public lands because being a person who lives in a suburban neighborhood where everything is privately owned and unmissable for that very reason public lands is where I have to do most of my outdoor activities.

Villa Rica, GA

Public lands belong to all Americans and need to stay that way forever.

Fortson, GA

I am fishermen and I pay taxes for those lands to fish. The land is owned by Americans and not congress. It is not their land to sale. Selling these lands are not making America great again

Buford, GA

I still want to fish but it’s too late now. Coal companies can dump into streams

Rising Fawn, GA

I want these lands preserved for our future recreation and enjoyment, open to the public.

Appling, GA

This is our national treasure. And it contributes a very big financial boom to the economy via outdoor activities.


they are a real treasure and pleasure to own and visit.

Decatur, GA

Enjoying nature and the earth is a basic human right. These lands are shared by us all and should be available for our enjoyment of outdoor recreation. We and the generations to come should have the privilege of enjoying this land.

Alpharetta, GA

they provide a vital habitat for wildlife to thrive, for us to conduct research, & to enjoy leisure activities.

Atlanta, GA

I have experienced the joys of the natural world in our public lands, I want them preserved for the future of my children, and I value the diversity of wildlife habitat.

Stone Mountain, GA

As a member of Georgia Women FlyFishers, Trout Unlimited and International FlyFishers, I hike and fish the beautiful woods and streams all year round. Public lands belong to all of us not billionaires who will destroy and develop property for their own personal gain.

Smyrna, GA

I want my children and grand children to have the same opportunities to explore and enjoy our public lands as I did.

Kennesaw, GA

Hunting and fishing access for every American. Mostly, I dont want the western US to turn into the eastern portion of the country!

Atlanta, GA

its my land, your land and our duty to protect if for future generations.

Locust Grove, GA

United States

Canton, GA

Daniel Scheppler

Buford, GA

every American has the right to enjoy the natural beauty and wonder of this country’s lands. This land is OUR land.

Marietta, GA

These lands are sacred to American culture and tradition, the conservation of these lands and ecosystems ensures the continuance of life and avoidance of extinction of wildlife in the US.

Grovetown, GA

Hampton Reece Bryant

Rome, GA

With great foresight, public lands have been and hopefully will continue to be set aside. They are not only for the enjoyment and use of Americans for generations to come, but also provide key corridors and habitats for animals and plants threatened by encroaching development, climate change, or invasive species. Please protect our public lands for generations to come. We, the greatest nation on Earth, have the knowledge and willpower to move beyond hunting and gathering of fuels, to managing and harnessing wind, water, and solar power. Old style fossil fuel extraction, especially now that the easy stuff has been gotten, is just not worth the long term impacts on the environment.

Hiawassee, GA

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