
access to nature shouldn’t be reserved for the wealthy. It should be a right for all of us. Being in a man in my twenties with a mountain of student loans, I can’t afford guides, fancy lodges, or vacation homes, my only access to fishing is on public lands and the generous landowners who provide public fishing easements. I don’t want to see public lands get raped and pillaged for a quick buck. I want my children to be able to enjoy them someday.

West Des Moines, IA

I want my son and his children to able to enjoy the same access to untouched wilderness that I had. To be able to feel the sense of adventure I felt when I went on my first back country hike. And because the idea of our National Parks and public land system is a truly American idea. In America we don’t have the centuries of history and architecture that Europe and Asia have. What we have are amazing wide open spaces that display the awesome power of nature and allow us all, every American, to slow down and enjoy the true beauty of our country.

Cedar Rapids, IA

Our land should belong to we the people, not the privelaged few.

West Des Moines, IA

We need to have a place where we can just be free of the everyday sights and noise of our everyday world. A place where we can go and listen to the world the way it used to be. The lands need to be accessible by all and not just those who can afford to pay for private access.

Bettendorf, IA

Not only do I enjoy hunting, fishing and the outdoors, but it’s part of our heritage.

Cedar Falls, IA

It is a non-replaceable resource and must be protected.

Cedar Rapids, IA

One of the greatest things about America is our public lands, the estate owned by us all. There is simply no experience more magnificent than an outing on our public lands. Anyone who touts this as a “transfer” to state ownership or that the states can do a better job of managing our public lands simply don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.

Decorah, IA

this land will provide rest and recreation for generations to come.

Grundy Center, IA

we will not be able to recruit the next generations of outdoorspeople if they are not able to bond with nature through experience. For too many, that exposure to the wild is not possible without public lands.

Decorah, IA

God gave us demenion over nature. But he also gave us an appreciation of Beauty. And the brains to think of others wanting to see an use are natural places watters and animals like us and the ability to use it wisely

Iowa City, IA

It is important that the poorest and wealthiest americans have a place to go outside.

Des Moines, IA

America’s public lands ARE America. Our common properties set us apart from every other part of the world. Opportunities to explore the wild abound and it is important to keep that connection to our natural world.

Amana, IA

To preserve the love of wildlife and the great outdoors for genterations to come.

Ames, IA

It was an investment in us by Americans long ago and we have a legacy to uphold to our children and all those coming later. Public lands are our lands, not to be devoured by corporations interested only in short-term profits.

Orange City, IA

it’s the right thing to do!

Iowa City, IA

There are those who would exploit our lands out of greed, if not for public ownership and regulations.

Marshalltown, IA

It is part of America.

Dubuque, IA

I do not believe public lands should be transferred to state management or sold to private industries. America’s public lands must be protected from development to ensure these national treasures remain unspoiled for the benefit of future generations of Americans.

Clive, IA


Dubuque, IA

All Americans, regardless of socioeconomic status, must have open access to well managed public lands. The sale or transfer of our public lands must be vetted openly and approved by the owners – the citizens of the United States.

Cedar Rapids, IA

I have two sons who will value from having access to public lands in the future and for their families to come.

Muscatine, IA

The average American cannot afford to buy land nor is it always applicable to do so. Public lands also encourages interstate travel to fish, hunt, and participate in other recreational activities. With each acreage loss an injustice is done to the American public.

Iowa City, IA

in my life, and in the lives of my parents, siblings, and children, public lands have been a haven for building strong families and a respect for the world’s natural resources, and I can share those experiences with my community regardless of their socioeconomic status, race, or creed. It saddens me to think that those opportunities are dwindling, and that my own children may not have the chance to share the same opportunities with their children.

Dubuque, IA

this is an equality that we all can share and enjoy in. It would be a travesty to future generations to lose this.

Fort Dodge, IA

As a child, my parents made a point of taking my brother and I to National Parks across the West. I fell in love with the sights of elk and mule deer, long hikes to mountain lakes, the sound of wind whistling through pines, the dry air of the mountains, the familiar national park signs. As I child I was bound and determined to be a park ranger, to wear that Stetson, and show people the wonders of the park. I never pursued that career and have at times regretted not fulfilling my childhood dream. I became a teacher and a coach, and now take my teams on summer trips every other year to a National Park, so they can experience what I did. Besides taking my own young son to the Parks, there is little more fulfilling in life than watching the faces of kids who have rarely been out of our state to experience the natural beauty of a National Park. As a fly fisherman, public lands provide me sanctuary from the hectic nature of life. I love and do not take for granted the ability to fish these waters. I proposed to my wife next to a stream on public lands (she said yes, by the way…and is one of the best fly anglers I know). I took my son at one month old with me on his first fly fishing trip on public lands. These grounds contain the story of my life. They are sacred to me as an American. I want my son and my grandchildren to have the same opportunities I have some day too.

Charles City, IA

-Human health, both mental and physical, is tied to the health of our environment and the form of capitalism practiced in this country has a horrible track record when it comes to caring about our environment. Public lands offer the best refuge our lands

Ames, IA

my whole life I have enjoyed the access to fish, hunt and hike in America’s public lands. These times have created cherished memories with family and friends, some of who are no longer with us. I would like this type of legacy to continue as I share this with my kids, and someday grandkids.

Polk City, IA

Of the enjoyment derived from time spent exploring public ground and waterways, as well as the economic impact of outdoorsman and women who travel to them and purchase items needed to make their experience more memorable.

Boone, IA

Our lands should be accessible by every American, and our environment, the flora and fauna, need the protections afforded by responsible stewardship only possible with public ownership.

Iowa City, IA

Public land helps bring people together, release stress doing any number of activities, and teach the ever evolving youth the value of nature.

Indianola, IA

Without the funds to own my own private fishing and hunting land, I count on being able to fish/hunt on public land

Altoona, IA

As a sporstman who does not have family that owns land to hunt and fish, it makes sure i have a place to go. I can not support anyone who supports the privitization of public lands so i can be extorted for it’s use.

West Des Moines, IA

I am a hunter and fishermen and there is not enough land to hunt and fish on now

Pleasantville, IA

Wilderness has always been a part of my life, and it should be protected for our children’s children.

Waterloo, IA

Public Lands are part of the heritage which makes America great.

Mason City, IA

It is somewhere that is not ruined by developers, and recharge my spirit.

Ames, IA

We need to protect wildlife.

Grimes, IA

Everyone deserves to be able to have access to the great outdoors. To be able to provide the best food the earth has to offer is a right of the people.

Saint Ansgar, IA

I am an avid outdoorsman & am raising my sons to be the same. There’s enough deception occuring to rape our lands & kill our planet. Please don’t make it any easier.

Davenport, IA

I enjoy public places to hunt, fish, and hike.

Altoona, IA

should be preserved for all Americans (and future generations) of Americans, not sold for the short-sighted profit of corporations.

Clarinda, IA

I care about kids being able to spend time outdoors in an open area, to run, to exercise and explore nature. I care about American citizens who wish to fish and explore nature consistently and as often as possible.

Grimes, IA

they are OUR national heritage. They are more effectively managed and maintained by Federal agencies that have the financial strength that states and municipalities do not possess. The Federal employees who live in nearby communities buy homes and groceries, pay taxes, and raise families. All discussions of tbis issue should be held in public. Parliamentary shenanigans that make it easier to defund snd destroy the Interior Department and other agencies is reprehensible and I will not tolerate it. Show some backbone. Be an American, not a corporate hack. I do not wish to live in a late 19th century America. All Americans, current and future, and the planet deserve the protection of our natural resources and OUR National Parks, Monuments, and Wildlife Refuges.

Decorah, IA

their existence taught me botany, ornithology and a reverence for America’s diverse wildlife habitats. I was raised to hunt, fish, and explore our public lands and have passed these teachings on to others through nature tours in my adult life.

Iowa City, IA

Wildlife and outdoorsmen depend on it. More row crops and less habitat is happpening and effecting wildlife.

Vinton, IA

The land belongs to citizens not corporations

Cedar Rapids, IA

Our national parks and trails hold my most treasured memories. I would be heart broken to not share this opportunity with the next generation.

Urbandale, IA

I believe that to see and experience amazing things an individual must put themselves in amazing places. For some people that is in a city and the hustle and bustle of life there is what does it for them, but for many of us it’s the opposite. For those looking to escape that city and truly feel free it takes going into these wild places. Without these public lands many people won’t be able to escape into these wild places and live the way that calls to them.

Osage, IA

We have so pristine land left shouldnt we just leave it like it is we’ve clearcut and bulldozed enough and we don’t need to sell any of it either. I personally would like to see the homestead act put back in place .what about our next generation.


They belong to the people and should not be put up for sale. These are the only place many of us have to hunt, fish, or hike.

Bettendorf, IA

they are an irreplaceable resource for ALL Americans to enjoy.

Charles City, IA

We need to save our public lands for the city folk that pay the higher taxes and need somewhere to fish and hunt cause the farmers want to lease it to the rich. Even though my tax dollars help the farmer.

Osceola, IA

Place for everyone to enjoy

Bondurant, IA

I choose to spend my time hiking and fishing with my extended family vs going to the mall.

Le Claire, IA

I care about future generations. We cannot rape the beauty of our public lands to benefit the few. They belong to the American people and should never be sold. Did anyone ask us if we want to sell it? I only see this hurting the American people in general. This should be eminent domain in reverse!

Marshalltown, IA

They are truly one of most important natural resources

Cedar Rapids, IA

We as a family used our public land ( not yours)for vacations, to hike, camp,fish,hunt,and enjoy what God created. It is something that we will never get back if sold, for future generations to see and use. They were meant to be saved as parks and public land for ALL AMERICANS.

Council Bluffs, IA

I enjoy having access to these places and it’s important for these areas to be maintained for the by all Americans. Turning over even marginal lands is the first step down a steep and slippery slope.

Ames, IA

this land belongs to everyone for camping, fishing, hunting and recreation. Once it’s gone it’s gone.

Council Bluffs, IA

The majority of Americans cannot afford to buy enough land for themselves to hunt, fish, hike, camp, etc…

Council Bluffs, IA

America and Americans need wild places. We need them for retreat, for our hunting and fishing traditions, we need them for hiking, exploring, and we need them to remember that we all are children in the eyes of nature.

Norwalk, IA

they are the birthright of all Americans and a handful of individuals do not have the right to take them away from us.

Waukee, IA

They are the lifeblood of this country and all Americans should have freedom to enjoy public land!!!

New Sharon, IA

Its American tradition and the best lands I have ever fished on are public, please protect our public lands sporting heritage by strongly opposing any wholesale effort to sell or transfer our country’s public lands

Des Moines, IA

As an avid trout fisherman for 32 years of my 34 years on earth, I call on the President and my Members of Congress to protect our public lands sporting heritage by strongly opposing any wholesale effort to sell or transfer our country’s public lands. Some of the best fish and wildlife habitat and hunting and angling opportunities available to sportsmen and women are found on these lands. Public lands, owned by all Americans, are indispensable and we must care for them as such. Further, I ask that Congress and the President work together to address 21st century land management challenges in ways that protect and restore fish and wildlife habitat, ensure that Federal land management agencies have the tools and funding necessary to effectively manage our lands, and uphold America’s public land hunting and fishing traditions.

Des Moines, IA

Because we need them to survive. We are destroying too much of the earth as it is, we need to preserve what we have left.

Des Moines, IA

They are our heritage.

Iowa City, IA

I enjoy our public lands on a regular basis via hiking, fishing, and sight seeing. I DO NOT want any of our public lands sold or commercialized in any way.

Monticello, IA

every kid in this country deserves to have the opportunity to walk, hunt, fish, and discover nature, regardless of whether they know someone who owns private land. Investment and stewardship in public lands, and keeping public lands public, is essential for our national wellbeing.

Ames, IA

They are a valued resource that cannot be replaced. They belong to the public not politicians!

Council Bluffs, IA

with shared ownership, public responsibility is likewise shared. Notions of stewardship over our public lands must be enhanced throughout our republic. Transferring lands out of the public domain only serves to dilute American traditions; please don’t just offer facile lip-service – act, in a meaningful way, to protect that heritage. Preserve public lands.

Clive, IA

it is important to keep this land protected from those who do not understand the power of mother nature, and her beauty.

Iowa City, IA

Because it offers beauty, and recreational activities that can’t be found anywhere else.

Decorah, IA

Simply put, it’s getting hard to find places to hunt, and fish where you can totally be left alone and not have to worry about where other people are located, and where new houses where just constructed, and getting permission to be on private ground can be a hassle at times.

New London, IA

We only have one chance to make this right

New London, IA

They belong to the American people to be enjoyed, not to be sold to the highest bidder. This is Teddy Roosevelt’s lasting legacy to ensure conservation, the beauty and wonder of America’s great outdoors, to be enjoyed by all Americans.

Denison, IA

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